What is The Sulte Method? What is Agile Growth Marketing?

The Sulte Method (TSM) is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology that allows companies to increase the ROI of their marketing efforts. TSM is rooted in the philosophy of Agile Growth Marketing (ASM). Teams using TSM attract and convert customers more efficiently, while eliminating the risks associated with investing in marketing traction channels that do not convert. TSM helps companies take an iterative approach to their marketing strategy, so that they can dynamically respond to changing customer segments and preferences.


Who is the Sulte Method for?

TSM is for companies that want to stay ahead of the competition by being able to dynamically adjust their marketing strategy based on customer needs and preferences. In today’s rapidly changing world, companies that rely on static, siloed annual marketing strategies will lose. The modern marketing team is cross-functional (data, product, UI/UX, and marketing), agile, and fiercely data-driven. TSM transforms the antiquated internal marketing hierarchy model and creates agile growth teams that effectively maximize ROI by focusing on traction channels that convert.

TSM is also for agencies and freelance consultants looking to help their clients create efficient and effective marketing strategies. We offer certification programs and continuing education for those who want to add TSM to their suite of service offerings.



What are the benefits of TSM?

TSM helps companies build adaptive marketing strategies to attract and convert customers. TSM helps to reduce wasteful marketing spend and mitigate investments in ineffective traction channels. By implementing TSM in your organization, your marketing team will be able to use data and agile testing to determine how to invest your marketing dollars for maximum return.


How do I implement TSM at my organization?

We recommend that organizations that have a marketing team of four or more people invest in our private corporate training. During this training, we work to build a cross-functional agile growth marketing team at your organization. We go through TSM and how to implement the systems/processes required.

For organizations with marketing teams with less than three people, we recommending having each team member sign up for our certification program. During our certification program, we teach how to implement TSM at any company.


How do I sign my organization up for a private corporate training?

Call us at 323-538-2454 or email us at info@sultegroup.com to sign up for a corporate training.

How long is the training?

The training lasts two days for eight hours each day. Prior to the training, your Sulte Consultant will conduct a growth assessment to understand where your organization needs to focus. Your trainer will teach your team TSM, while using your data and company intel collected during our growth assessment process. We find that participants get the most out of the training when we help to solve your current marketing challenges vs. presenting only from case studies and examples.

How much is the training?

Please contact us at 323-538-2454 or email us at info@sultegroup.com for pricing and availability.

What happens after the training?

While we set your company up for success during your training session, we have found that teams that revisit the core concepts taught during the sessions at least quarterly have the best results. We recommend purchasing our virtual training option to give your team continuing education and support to keep TSM at the core of your marketing practices.

Who is the certification program for?

The certification program is designed for marketing executives, directors, agencies, and consultants who want to learn how to implement agile growth marketing practices.

How long is the certification program?

The certification program is a two day (eight hours a day) intensive session. During the session your TSM trainer will teach you how to analyze and implement agile growth marketing strategies. Prior to the session, you will receive a questionnaire to help identify current marketing opportunities and challenges to work through during the training.

What are the requirements for the certification program?

While there are no prerequisites or requirements to attend the training, we recommend having at least one year of digital marketing experience prior to attending. Understanding the basic principles of digital marketing, conversion funnels, and marketing strategy will help you get the most value from the training.

Why should I be TSM certified?

The current marketing landscape is complex. Today’s marketer must understand automation software, SEO, SEM, social ad platforms, viral loops, retargetting…and the list goes on an on. Every day, there are new traction channels and software programs being deployed. With all of the noise in the marketing industry, it is very easy to get caught up in a spend game – putting money into traction channels that will not drive revenue for your organization or clients.

That’s why it’s important to be trained in agile growth marketing methodology. TSM is an agile growth marketing system that will allow you to make data-driven decisions to focus your marketing efforts. You’ll understand how to pursue traction channels that net positive ROI and implement strategies that fuel business growth.

What happens after the training?

After the training, you can continue learning with our virtual continuing education courses. To keep your skills current, we recommending taking at least two continuing education courses a year.

What is the virtual training all about?

We offer virtual training for corporations to add to their current training and development platforms. Please contact us for information about our solution.

For marketers who attended our certification program, we offer virtual continuing education. You will receive information about the virtual continuing education after your certification session.

I need technical support with the virtual training portal.

For corporate clients, please contact your Sulte Consultant for immediate support.

For TSM certified agents, please email info@sultegroup.com for immediate assistance.

Can I share my virtual log in with my team?

The virtual training is available for corporations or TSM certified agents on a per license basis. Each individual must have a unique license to access the training.

Get in Touch

We can't wait to help you with your marketing training needs.

Text Our Team at 844-595-1100

400 South 4th St. #500
Las Vegas, NV 89101
